It’s the start of a new year! The New Moon in Capricorn on 13 January makes it a highly ambitious and perfect time to set your new year goals and intentions. Get ready for positive leveling up!
As we move from one year to the next, there are numerous changes that we expect to manifest in our paths. Fortunately, number 5: 2021 reveals that there are good things that will happen to your life. You have been praying for a change that will bring about positivity in your life. Through the energies of the universe, 2021 numerology horoscope predicts that 2021 is the year you have been waiting for. The best thing that you can do as you approach this year is to prepare yourself for the transition.
We have an opportunity to set powerful intentions on 13 January, when the emotion-ruling Moon begins a new cycle in determined Capricorn. Forming a conjunction with powerful Pluto, this deepens and makes for a powerful and profound fresh start. What kind of intentions of change do you want to make in the world this new year? Harness your capacity to move forward on this Capricorn New Moon and make significant strides towards a brighter future.
So claim a fresh start just for you, focus on number one and all that interests you! Be in your stride, planning and looking ahead. To guide you through intention setting for this month and your new year, try my New Moon Meditation and Ritual.
Comment with a word or emoji below that describes your #1 Intention or Goal for 2021.
Sending you all love, light, abundance for 2021.
Deanne x