It has been 24 years since I first learned Reiki and began experiencing its miraculous power. Since that time, many changes have taken place in my life that were brought about by my association with this wonderful energy. In fact, in looking back to that time I can clearly see the role it played in placing me firmly on my spiritual path and leading me on a journey into greater levels of peace happiness and fulfilment. Reiki has guided me in so many ways progressively strengthening my connection to the spiritual world as well as developing my ability as a healer and own transformation.
Life will give you whatever experience is most helpful for the evolution of your consciousness. Reiki has brought my spiritual journey into focus and increased the natural flow of events and patterns of manifestation in my life. Throughout my life’s journey, Reiki has given me the gift to help me thrive, strength and insight into just how necessary it is to speak my mind, learning to know myself in the most intimate ways, learning to trust who I am really am and acting with self-love, boundaries and integrity in relationships.
With every Reiki Healing and Attunement, I feel with every cell of me that Reiki is real and I have truly discovered something very special. I also believe that I have received each Reiki Attunement at divine timing on my path. Each attunement has been beautiful and huge (sacred and enlightening) with more extensive spiritual growth and unlocking another level of consciousness and energy healing gifts. Each time I have aligned to a higher perspective and feel more activated and opened to stronger Ki light with a deep connection to Unconditional Love and Consciousness. Each Attunement has been so profound reaching my innermost core from feeling and seeing energy opening my crown and chakras, meeting my Reiki and Spirit Guides and Archangels, past lives in Atlantis, receiving clear guidance and wisdom, awakening Shamanic healing, blossoming angel wings and the ascension of loved ones!
Reiki has been a blessing for my spiritual development, supporting to discover who I am and how I relate to the universe and how the universe relates to me. It has “switched on” my intuitive and energetic healing, guiding myself to uncover and release my underlying patterns and "old stories" awakening my inner power. With Reiki, I have learned my soul journey is about loving and honouring me first, listening to my inner guidance, living authentically and having boundaries…gifts I now pass onto my healing clients.
We have our time here on earth each lifetime to evolve. Reiki has certainly pushed me to find my great bright light, my purpose. I am empowered to use Reiki, combined with all my healing modalities to assist others in empowering themselves. The healing work I do extends far beyond me, surpassing my benefit alone. I keep this front and centre, as I live my purpose as a healer. I am honoured and grateful to hold space for all my beautiful healing clients in their most transformative or vulnerable time. Supporting my clients healing journeys, empowers my soul and fills my heart. I am constantly in awe of their spiritual awakening and expansion of self-love and acceptance.
What is my legacy I want to leave for my life or the world? As a Reiki Master Teacher, I have chosen to accept a greater level of responsibility, bringing awareness to how much we win when we are in it for the best and highest good of all. I unconditionally love what I do. And as life is a journey, so is Reiki. You have called me and I have called you. I thank you for calling me to be a Reiki Master Teacher, so we can amplify our Reiki energy and healing in the world.
For those of you who are just starting out on your healing or spiritual pathway or are new to Reiki, it is truly a precious gift of love, healing and divine light. Reiki energy opens up your healing journey, and expands love and happiness in your life as you connect with ‘Higher Consciousness’ energies. Reiki is a practice which helps to uplift your energetic vibration and by doing so, you are helping to bring more health, wellbeing and energetic balance into your life. You will learn more about universal energy and your energy. Source Energy is abundant. Reiki is an awakening to the Universal Life Force Energy that is all around us and within us. Being attuned to Reiki is for life and it starts at Level 1.
I am ever so grateful for the gift of Reiki.
Deanne Bennett, Reiki Master Teacher
Beaches Healing