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why and how you need to cleanse your aura

Writer's picture: Deanne LeeDeanne Lee

If you’re a believer in universal energy, an aura is the energy field that surrounds your body. It can attract and dispel energy and the clearer it is, the more attractive (in a good way) you are. Everyone knows they have a physical body, but most people don’t know we also have an energetic body surrounding our physical body. This is also referred to as the aura. You can recognise someone’s aura when they walk into the room. You will immediately feel if they are a cheerful person, bitter, or confident. This ‘read’ we get on someone comes from our auras interacting.

The energetic body is comprised of electromagnetic pulses created by emotions generated in our physical body; there are 72,000 nerves that bundle in seven places called chakras. Those bundles interact with our energetic body, relaying information about our stress and emotions we pick up from our environment.

If we are holding a lot of charges in our energetic body, we will feel physical stress in our body which is why we want to release those caught emotions or in other words, cleanse our auras. Cleansing your aura is releasing the charge of emotional experiences and habitual thought patterns that can affect your physical body when they build up.

So how can you cleanse your aura?

Sage: Smudging your body, your home or office with sage is like taking an energetic shower or doing a deep metaphysical cleansing. The smoke from dried sage changes the ionic composition of the air and can have a direct effect on reducing our stress response.

Selenite: Selenite crystals are the ideal energy tool for cleansing the energy of your body and cleansing the energy of crystals. Simply hold your selenite in one hand, at the top of your head, and “comb” your crystal all the way down your entire body until you feel the energy clear. This is a wonderful way to cleanse your chakras and remove any energy blockages.

Salts and crystals: You can also do a salt bath using elements which generate negative ions like Magnesium or Himalayan salt and amethyst crystals.

Earthing: Personally, as an earth sign I love earthing. Walking barefoot on grass or soil is so pleasurable and you can almost instantly feel lingering discordant energies lifting and being transmuted by the planet’s energy. The Earth itself is a beautiful living being with its own energetic signature and unique abilities and staying connected to it with regular grounding can help us, its inhabitants to stay healthy and in balance.

Music: Calm music helps clear the aura because the wavelengths in music interact and harmonize with the body’s energy waves. You can do this daily to keep negative emotions and negative spiralling thoughts from building up. Youtube is brimming with delicious subliminal tracks which can help to clear the aura. Use search terms such as clear aura subliminal and cleansing subliminal. Even clearing clutter from your home and car will help you feel clear. We constantly interact with our environment, and our external environment reflects our internal mind.

Pranayama: Breath work like the Breath of Fire is a quick way to clear your aura. Just 50 seconds of Breath of Fire changes the entire blood chemistry because it brings so much oxygen to the blood stream. In the car, try breathing in as deeply and slowly as you can for seven seconds, holding it for seven seconds, and breathing out for 7 seconds. Repeat that cycle 3 times and you’ve got a quick energetic reset.

What can you expect after clearing your aura?

You’ll feel more optimistic and be more pleasant to be around. Since people can intuitively sense a dense aura holding resentment or fear, they avoid it. When you clear your field, people will literally feel more comfortable around you. And like attracts like, so you’ll find that instead of attracting people holding onto trauma or victim mentalities, you’ll start interacting with people who see possibility.

Aura clearing also removes mental blocks that keep you from realising potential. You’ll also reduce inflammation in your body caused by the stress hormone cortisol, an acidic compound that creates free radicals and steals from healthy skin cells leaving your tissue sore and painful. Once you let things go, you will have space for new relationships and feel more confident to move forward. Most people report feeling lighter and having more mental clarity.

If you think about how each of the body’s systems interact, creating harmony in just one system (in this case the nervous system) can help our digestive, glandular, lymphatic, endocrine, immune system and musculoskeletal systems.

Start each day with a positive intention like, “Today I attract positive and loving interactions. I radiate light and love”. Give your ship a positive direction and you won’t pick up negative interference.

When you’re trying to develop a routine for emotional management, immerse yourself in education and classes about it. You’re retraining your neural pathways which may be deeply ingrained if you never knew you can choose which thoughts you let into your brain and direct them. Meditation classes or guided meditations such as those offered by Deepak Chopra are a great start.

Wearing an amethyst necklace, bracelet or earrings can help as well as crystals like black tourmaline and selenite. Carry them in your pocket or put them by your desk at work.

Use sage, Palo Santo or incense daily and throughout the day to clear the space around you. These are quick clearing techniques that can become a part of your daily routine. A weekly salt bath will certainly help as well.

Finally consider reiki, energy healing, massage, and acupuncture as a part of your monthly regimen for your emotional management. These holistic therapies will always leave you feeling lighter and brighter. Setting and saying simple positive daily affirmations or journaling them can help create new ways of thinking that will help keep your aura bright.

Consistent self-care is the key.

Love and light


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