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Deanne Lee
Jun 14, 20202 min read
morning goddess ritual
How did you start your day today? Did you make time and space to get truly present in your mind, body, and soul and to set an intention...

Deanne Lee
Jun 3, 20202 min read
Harness the Full moon eclipse in Sagittarius
This full moon is powerful and it's not just any full moon. Saturday, 6 June is also a lunar eclipse. Lunar eclipses signal a time to...

Deanne Lee
May 28, 20202 min read
affirm self-love
No matter where you are on the journey of unconditional self-love, you always have the ability and choice to change. You are a radiant...

Deanne Lee
May 1, 20203 min read
Distant Reiki Healings, how the energy flows!
As a Reiki Healer it is an absolute honour to provide Reiki healing sessions. For each client, we are a channel for Universal Light Force...

Deanne Lee
Apr 21, 20202 min read
set your intentions this taurus new moon
April’s New Moon falls on 23 April in Taurus. This New Moon urges us to slow down, pay attention to our bodies, enjoy simple pleasures...

Deanne Lee
Feb 18, 20206 min read
the healing path of your base chakra is trust
The human body has seven energy centres called Chakras. Your chakras are your core energy centres that control your emotions, vibration...
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