Warm Winter Solstice Wishes… It’s time to drop deep into your yin energy. I have been sleeping and meditating more, having lots of baths, journaling and resting (even more so with another wave of COVID lockdown in Sydney). Embody this time to slow down, tune into your body and cherish yourself. It’s also a great time to nourish and nurture from within.
Adhering with NSW Public Health orders announced on the weekend, Beaches Healing face to face healing sessions will not be available until after 9 July (TBC). For all clients booked in the next two weeks, distant healing sessions will be offered and/or rescheduled until after lockdown. In the meantime, nourish with natural remedies, resting when needed, connecting to your heart and nurturing.
We have also just come through Eclipse season and Mercury Retrograde, so I have felt a lot of internal shifts over the past few weeks.
How have you been feeling?
For me, the Eclipses illuminated a lot that needs to change. I always feel that these potent energetic times stir up a lot. Personally, I had old patterns and hidden beliefs rise to the surface to be witnessed and clearly seen so that they could be released. A lot of this came up for me in the area of business and finances, and it has inspired some restructuring and also some new business plans and visions.
What was illuminated to you through the Eclipses? What did you discover about yourself? What came to the surface that needs to be healed, transformed or released?
Whatever arose for you through this time can now all be used to support you in moving forward. This midpoint of the year is a powerful time to be reflecting over the past six months and creating a vision for the next six months. Winter Solstice is a time to review your progress and check whether you are in alignment with your desires. If you feel like you're not quite where you want to be, now is your chance to re-set and re-focus.
Cast your vision forward to where you desire to be at the end of 2021. Clarify your desires, goals and intentions and anchor into the feeling of having them come to life. Create a plan of action that will ensure your desires don’t stay as long-held inner dreams but actually begin to materialise into a reality.
Through the power of your intention, you can create the next six months however you desire, so use this potent Solstice energy wisely. Go within and become still and quiet. Listen into your inner voice and tune into your heart. Reflect on what has worked well this year and what has not and get honest about what you now need to do differently. Get clear on what you truly desire for the remainder of this year. Create a vision that inspires you and decide how you are going to bring it to life. Make the most of this powerful chance to re-set.
We are also just ending a Mercury Retrograde period which for me really slowed everything down, brought me into a deep process of reflection, reassessment, and review. In the end, it has led to so much clarity about the remaining months of 2021 and direction for my healing offerings, and from this place, I can serve others.
To further align with my soul purpose to inspire and empower people to activate their inner healer, I received very clear direction … that I need to be in a collaborative nurturing environment with other practitioners offering the best in complimentary therapies on the northern beaches.
In divine alignment…..I am truly bursting with excitement to announce, as of Saturday, 10 July, I will be part of the team at Northern Beaches Integrated Practitioners. Chloe Player, Clinic Director, is an acupuncturist and herbalist and handpicked the NBIP team of practitioners who are so passionate about bringing knowledge, healing and heart to our local and wider community.
NBIP offers Chinese Herbal Medicine, Acupuncture & Cupping, Western Herbal Medicine, Nutrition, Naturopathy, Life Coaching, Hypnosis, Massage, IVF Acupuncture, Gynaecology Acupuncture, Pregnancy Acupuncture, Fertility Acupuncture, Neuro-Linguistic Programming and now Reiki, ThetaHealing, Chakra Balancing and Crystal Healing.
Located just off Mona Vale Road, Warriewood, I am so grateful for the opportunity to hold this space with such an incredible team of practitioners! I cannot wait to continue to support you on your journey of healing, transformation and self-love.
For the last year, I have also been extremely thankful for the inclusion, love and support from Katie and Martin, being part of the Soul Tiger Yoga family. I have been constantly blown away by their love of yoga and supporting and inspiring people’s wellness journey. I wish Katie and Martin an abundance of health and success.
In the next few days, all existing client healing bookings will receive an email updating new clinic details. All new bookings for Reiki, ThetaHealing, Chakra Balancing and Crystal Healing will be directed from Beaches Healing website to NBIP website to book online or call NBIP 02 8406 0679. From mid July, to meet demand (so grateful!), I am also offering energy healing on Thursdays.
If you would like some support with the changes you desire to create in the second half of this year, please feel free to book an energy healing with me. I have come to understand connection with your body and its inner wisdom to heal itself supported by Reiki and the power of intention, promotes physical, mental and emotional healing at the deepest level. I believe that everyone holds the key to their own healing and optimum well-being.
Wishing you a nourishing Solstice. With an abundance of love,
Deanne x