While the holiday season can be the best time of the year for most of us, for so many reasons, the stress can get hectic. While creating a very merry Christmas can be financially and socially challenging, self-care is the key to keep our minds intact. Thanks to the extra free time of the holidays, it’s the best chance to practice self-care and give yourself a mental reboot before the new year arrives. The Christmas break should leave you feeling energised, rather than feeling depleted. I encourage you to pause, take a moment, breathe and check in. Here are some self-care practices, I have been sharing with my clients:
With less than 30 minutes, you will have your energy recharged for the rest of the day. It can also be a magical mood-booster which doesn’t cost you anything. Allow yourself to pause and take a nap during the festive season.
Fresh air and sun are two magic pills for elevating energy level and a better mood. Go out for a jog or a nice walk and enjoy mother nature. There’s no need to set a specific target for your workout. Just enjoy some me-time and the endorphins released in the brain. A little bit of exercise will change how you feel for the entire day.
Self-care doesn’t always involve manicure. A self-care activity can be as simple as drinking enough water. Not having enough water can cause headaches, dry skin, fatigue, and dizziness. These symptoms can make you feel exhausted during the busy holiday season. Ensure you get at least 8 glasses of water and observe how your mood and energy changes.
Meditation is a great way to clear your mind and help you relax. I used to be addicted to multitasking. But I’ve found that the harder I tried, the longer it actually took me to get things done. That’s why a 5-minute session of meditation has become part of my morning self-care routine now. Meditation is the most effective way to train our “mental muscles” to do things we set our mind to. All you need is a quiet place and 5 minutes a day. Give it a try, it may be the self-care idea you need for surviving the holiday.
A self-care survival kit is a personalised box of items to pamper yourself. It’s a go-to self-care package for surviving the holidays. Making a self-care survival kit is a great chance to reflect what makes us happy. Plus, how refreshing it is to put together a box of things you love!
Self-appreciation and self-love is the foundation of any self-care activity. Start your day by writing down 3 of the achievements that worth celebrating. It doesn’t have to be something huge. Anything that you’ve made progress on, mark it down. Maybe you have been sleeping better. Or you’ve arranged more time for your family. Small steps will make a huge difference. Reward yourself with a self-care activity you love like a massage. Your body will reward you with greater satisfaction, a better mood and a higher energy level.
Start a self-care journal by writing about your day and how you have been feeling. Journaling can be the perfect chance to reflect and discover what has been making you feel good. If you don’t know what exactly to write about, journal about the activity, thing, people or place which contributed to that "good vibes" feeling.
This is one of my favourite self-care ideas that combines skincare and DIY. Coconut oil, olive oil, avocado, honey, banana, oatmeal, and cucumbers are all great items to use. If you don’t have that much stuff at hand, just add some olive oil to brown sugar and use that as a face and lip scrub. You may need some trial-and-error to find the best recipe. But the process itself is great fun.
Dig out that old board games like the Monopoly and play with your family. Or invite some friends over to play Cards Against Humanity. Make your Christmas self-care activity a fun time to share with your tribe!
Put a few drops of essential oil of your choice in the bathtub. In the shower, take the time to breathe in the scent and use this shower to just relax. If you wish, make yourself a cup of herbal tea before the bath and enjoy with a good read to your liking. Slip into your cozy pajamas once you’re done.
Getting enough and high-quality sleep is one of the most needed yet often neglected self-care activities. An hour before going to bed, put away your phone and other electronics. Read a book on your list and calm your mind down from the holiday chaos. These night-time routines will help you to fall asleep more quickly and stay asleep throughout the night. And you’ll be more energetic and refreshed the next day!
I hope that this list of Christmas self-care practices helps you to survive the holidays. What are you planning to do for self-care during Christmas? Tell me about it in the comments!
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