We are all born male and female, but we are not born masculine or feminine. We all have both masculine and feminine energies within us, yet we may not be fully aware of what this look like. As an energy healer, here is how I interpret this duality.
Masculine energy is independent, analytical, strategized, steady, structured and disciplined, representing our left brain. When it is used properly, it is focused, protective, practical, direct, with clear agreements and boundaries. When masculine energy is misused, it can end in ego anger, resentment, control, rush, rigidity and inner conflict that disconnects our minds from our bodies.
Feminine energy is intelligent and loving energy that contains the quality of our intuition, compassion, emotion, empathy, beauty, understanding, creativity, rhythm, flow, beingness and truth. When you are strong in your feminine, you have a strong connection to your body and intuition and you can make decisions based on what you feel in your heart. Feminine energy is a receptive, right-brained energy. Yet, if we are too much in our feminine, we can come across as weak and lose our personal power.
To tune in to your feminine and masculine energy, visualisation breathing is an amazing tool for getting in touch with whatever part of you that is repressed or distorted.
Close your eyes and take three deep breaths right up through the crown of your head and right down through the soles of your feet into the crystal grids at the centre of Mother Earth.
Bring your hands into a prayer position in front of your heart knowing your palms are extensions of your heart chakra. Stay here and breathe deeply into your belly for a few minutes, connecting to your body.
Now "tuned within”, ask your Higher Self to see and speak to your inner feminine, trusting what comes up for you—whether it is information, thoughts, a visual image or a flash of memory. Hold a conversation with this part of you and ask what does your feminine self need or what may be troubling it? Ask how you can help it and listen.
Still “tuned within”, ask your Higher Self to see and speak to your inner masculine, trusting what comes up for you—whether it is information, thoughts, a visual image or a flash of memory. Hold a conversation with this part of you and ask what does your masculine self need or what may be troubling it? Ask how you can help it and listen.
Your inner feminine may request more self-nurturing time, which increases the loving relationship you have with your body and mind. Or, if you are tuning into your masculine side, you may need to be more direct at work or speak up about a relationship issue that has been weighing on you for a while.
Thank your Higher Self and feminine and masculine selves for their guidance. Take a deep breath and gently open your eyes.
By gaining awareness of each energy, we come into balance within ourselves and with each other. Once you begin to understand that having an energetic balance brings you into wholeness, your softness and strength will push you in a positive direction.
An abundance of love and balance,
Deanne x
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