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Happy Full Moon, Goddess

Writer's picture: Deanne LeeDeanne Lee

Each full moon brings different energies. If you’re on the Goddess path, as I am, this is an especially sacred time. The super soulful Pisces Full Moon on 6 September is a restart on the zodiac calendar.

Full Moon Ritual

The moon represents the feminine, emotional, creative, and nurturing aspects of our lives.

The full moon is a time to release that which no longer serves you, what you no longer need in your life or an aspect of yourself that you have outgrown.

The energy is powerful and intense on the full moon. This is a perfect time for releasing something that no longer serves you; or letting go of something that you no longer need in your life; or an opportunity to let go of an aspect of yourself that you have outgrown.

A Full Moon ritual is a powerful way to invoke this (a ritual being a set of actions, often with symbolic value, performed in a ceremonial manner). Releasing. Letting go. Unburdening yourself. Purging.

You get rid of the old, celebrating your emergence by stepping out of an old way of being / an old identity / behaviour / attitude / relationship / frame of mind / situation.

The ritual marks this inner transformation in a formal, ceremonial way. Emphasising to yourself and the Universe that you are ready to let go for the new you to emerge. Making way for new magical opportunities to come to you.

What you need: pen, paper, matches, candle, (or open fire)

If possible do this outside under the Full Moon, connecting directly with Mother Nature and the Moon’s energies.

1. Create your sacred space. Cleanse yourself with sage, light a candle. Place crystals and other special items around you. Invite your guides, angels, masters, or teachers to be at your side throughout the ritual.

2. Close your eyes, take a deep inhale. Go within, hold your breath for five seconds, then release. Repeat your breaths to clear your head and calm your mind. Visualise the moonlight shimmering down towards you. The white, silvery moonlight soaks into your crown chakra and down through all your chakras into Mother Earth. This light fills your aura and you glow outward. You are protected in this dome of moonlight. This enhances your connection to the full moon, which enhances your intuition and aligns with your heart chakra, claiming your inner Goddess, and connecting you with your soft, feminine side.

3. Focus on your breath and heart chakra. What/who do you need to forgive/let go? Write on the piece of paper what you wish to release from your life, what limiting beliefs you want to be free from, what no longer serves you or what you want to let go of. When you have finished your list, sign, and date the page.

4. Spend a few minutes visualising each person/issue you listed, inside a pink bubble of unconditional love. Feel the unconditional love between you both and say aloud “I forgive you. I now let this go. And so, it is”. Then let the person/issue float off in their bubble. Imagine each of the issues you listed being healed and feel what it would be like to resolve the problem or forgive the person who hurt you.

5. End with forgiveness and release of your list into the universe for transformation into unconditional love. Burn your list and as the as the flame catches, say aloud “I release all that no longer serves me on this full moon”. FEEL the Fire burning through your entire being. Feel the weight being lifted off. It all comes down to intention. Once the flame has gone out, say “Under this full moon, I forgive myself, everyone, everything, every experience in all directions of time. I AM LOVE. My thoughts, beliefs and relationships are healed”. Visualise yourself illuminated with moonlight, vibrating at a higher frequency, completely empowered, and renewed. Sit in silence for a moment.

Slowly come back to your breath, and your body. Take three deep breaths. Reconnect with the moonlight through the top of your crown, through your chakras and ground yourself into Mother Earth. Thank your Higher beings for their assistance and thank your Inner Goddess.

Cleanse again with sage to release any negative energy you released.

May peace always be with you.

Love and Blessings,


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